
Very Important – Please Read Before Downloading

If your system has virus checking software, then it may think that on executing one of the programs downloaded and installed from the list below, is a virus.  This is normal and is a consequence of the downloaded program being copy protected.


If your system issues a virus warning, it may have also moved the *.exe program into a quarantined area.  In such cases, the virus checking software usually has an option to enable you to restore the program to its original installed directory.


In order to inform your virus checking software that the program is not a virus, you must add the program (*.exe) to the virus checker’s whitelist (please refer to the virus checker’s user guide on how to do this).


If you wish to uninstall the program, use a command prompt to navigate to the program’s install directory.  From there,  press the Ctrl key, enter the program name (*.exe) and press the return key.  You will subsequently be presented with a screen showing you how many days the licence remains valid for, along with an option to remove the licence itself.