Probably the world’s simplest way to encrypt and decrypt files
The screen shown above, is PIE’s main screen which is shown on loading PIE from the desktop.
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Encrypt Files/Data
Decrypt Files/Data
The screen shown above, is PIE’s ‘Encrypt File’ screen, which can be displayed by selecting the ENCRYPT icon from the main screen.
To encrypt a file, simply select it using the folder icon and then select the ‘Encrypt’ button, It really is that simple!
The screen shown above, is PIE’s ‘Decrypt File’ screen, which can be displayed by selecting the DECRYPT icon from the main screen.
To decrypt a file, simply select it using the folder icon and then select the ‘Decrypt’ button. It really is that simple!
Encrypt Into the Clipboard
Decrypt From the Clipboard
The screen shown above, is PIE’s ‘Encrypt into the Clipboard’ screen, which can be displayed by checking the ‘Clipboard’ checkbox on the main screen and then selecting the Encrypt icon.
To encrypt a message/or data, simple enter a message into the input box, or paste a message/data from the clipboard, select the Public Key file and then select the Encrypt icon. It really is that simple!
The screen shown above, is PIE’s ‘Decrypt from the Clipboard’ screen, which can be displayed by checking the ‘Clipboard’ checkbox on the main screen and then selecting the Decrypt icon.
To decrypt a message/or data, held within the clipboard, simply paste the clipboard contents (ctlr-v) into the input box, select the Private Key file and password and then select the Decrypt icon. It really is that simple!